Adventist Education

Updated: February 11, 2023


"Adventist schools have been established under the direction of the Lord. 'And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.' (Isaiah 54:13) It has always been God's purpose to educate his children in a climate consistent with His will. The church operates a school system to provide children and youth with a balanced physical, mental, spiritual, social, and vocational education, with God as the source of all moral value and truth . . . Adventist churches operate schools to bring about the salvation of children and youth through acceptance of and faith in Jesus as their personal Savior and, following that, to help them achieve growth n character so that they will become God-fearing, honest, stable, and productive members of society. The curricula in Adventist schools are designed to instruct students in a Biblical view of the origin of life, of human duty and destiny."

 - Taken from the "Responsibilities in the Local Church", pg. 29, by Monte Sahlin, 1997  


"Church entities operate schools from kindergarten through university levels for the purpose of transmitting to students the Church’s ideals, beliefs, attitudes, values, habits, and customs. The source, the means, and the aim of Adventist education are a true knowledge of God, fellowship and companionship with Him in study and service, and likeness to Him in character development."

"The...Education secretary [is] to promote and generate support for Christian education."

 - Paraphrased from the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, 19th Edition, pgs. 89-90

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